Adult Ministries

First Place Class - First Place is a Christ centered program that emphasizes balance in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual areas of life.  As we learn to keep Christ first in our lives, we will find that He is the One who satisfies our hunger and every need.  We hope to see you on Sunday mornings at 10 AM.
Ladies Bible Class - Every member of this caring and loving class has a wonderful fellowship each Sunday at 10:00 AM.  We have three unique teachers,  each having her own teaching style, but all center on God's Word.  If you are looking to dig into God's Word and enjoy the company of other women of God, this is the place for you. Come join us!!!!
Men's Bible Class - We invite all men to journey with us every Sunday morning at 10 AM.  We will learn why the Christan faith should be embraced, how to defend our faith from competing belief systems, how to respond to Christian's, and finally, how to spread our faith so that others will give their lives to Jesus Christ.
Truth Seekers is an adult class for both men and women with no age limit.  We are presently using the LifeWay study "Explore the Bible" which takes a book of the Bible to study per quarter.  This is an open class that encourages people to speak on how the Bible effects their lives today as we study the lessons provided.  We know that the bible is God's word and seek the truth that we can trust His word to guide us to lead a Christ like life.  The Bible is where one can turn to find answers.  What was true thousands of years ago is still true today.  
Young Adult Class
This class is geared for the post high school to late 20's age group.  We are focused on healthy life styles and practical uses for God's Word and lessons in today's fast paced life and world.  Our class uses the "First Place" curriculum with a  focus on Biblical learning.