Pastor Note

Utilize Your Freedoms!

Yesterday was Super Tuesday and people were out voting for the candidate of their choice.  Something that in American we get to do that allows us to be involved in the politics of our country.  I pray that we realize we live in a Nation that allows us the freedom to vote, go to church where we want, seek an education, and earn money through employment in the career we desire.  This is something none of us should take for granted.  I can only hope that we understand the responsibility we have in the process of elections.  The decision we make can and will affect the future for generations to come.  Please take time in seeking the Lord's wisdom before you go to the ballot this coming fall.

What's Lacking?

As I look around I see something that is very alarming to me.  Apathy, a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern for what is happing in our churches around the country.  People seem to treat God's Word as a suggestion book, not concerning themselves with the fullness of God's Word.  I have seen little desire for people to engage in the Bible.  Church attendance is not filled with the joy of going, it just seems like that is what people do on Sundays, as part of their weekly ritual.  We are slowly slipping into a country that has allowed social events, sports, entertainment and much more to fill our daily life. Our responsibility as Christians is to step forward and stand tall and demonstrate the love of Christ to the world.  If we are not concern or interested in God, why should the lost seek God, where His on do not follow his instruction.  Just a thought.   

  Do everything without grumbling and arguing.
Philippians 2:14

Paul writing to the Philippians is wanting them to understand that unity in the body and love for one another is very important for the growth of the church and the individual. When we are constantly grumbling about something, usually something that didn’t go our way, we discourage others. They see Christians that are supposed to have the joy of the Lord in their heart, but all they see is people complaining about little things that do not matter. We are to be a light of hope in a world that is lost. If we are constantly arguing and grumbling about everything they light we have is covered by a dark blanket of evil that does not allow our light to shine. Please, before you grumble or argue about something, take the time to count the numerous blessing that God has given you in your own life.                                  

Seek the Lord

When I awoke this morning my mind was going a thousand miles an hour on what I needed to do this
week. Not just for today but for the whole week. As I was driving into the office it didn’t stop. I was
just thinking about everything. Sermon prep, Wednesday and Sunday Bible study, who do I need to
visit, Saturday prayer breakfast and much more. All of that was just work. I then started to think about
Friday being Valentine’s day and then my wife’s birthday pop into my head. At times, life can seem
overwhelming. We look at all that is coming up and feel like we will never have the time to get it all
done. If this is you, as I suspect it is probably most of us. Stop! Take a deep breath and seek the Lord for
His guidance. Approach one thing at a time, asking Him to guide your steps. When life seems to be
pulling you down, call on the One that can lift you up.